How to write an abstract of your dissertation work

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Every dissertation must contain a summary or abstract. This is because this section has the first lines that the commission members in charge of correcting your project will read. And it is in this section where both the professors in order of updating your dissertation and your tutor will decide whether to continue with your dissertation or, on the contrary, to leave it aside. Thus, it is essential that the abstract is well-written and provides the correct information about your dissertation.

Functions of the summary or abstract of a dissertation

It serves to explain the title of your dissertation

First, you will have to explain why you have decided to title your dissertation in this way. In addition, it also serves to convince readers of your work’s importance and encourage them to continue reading your project.

It is an abridged version of your dissertation

Although, as we mentioned in the previous point, this section can convince readers to continue reading your dissertation, it is also helpful for those who need more time to finish it. This section should function as a shortened version of the final paper.

It works as a preview of your dissertation.

Finally, the summary or abstract of your dissertation also functions as a preview of the study, analysis, or literature review. For these three reasons, you should pay close attention to the content and wording of your abstract and get the writing help of essay writers if needed.

How to start your dissertation abstract, and how much space should it take?

The abstract is just the first section of your work, located just before the table of contents and acknowledgments and after the foreword. It is not an introduction or a conclusion. You have a word limit to do so.

So we recommend that you synthesize in it what your work is about and advance some results. But as we say, very synthetically.

It must be written in Spanish and then in English. In general terms, an abstract should only occupy up to one page. Otherwise, it would not be abstract.

Use of acronyms in your dissertation abstract

For the assigned tutor, the members of the examining board, and the readers of your dissertation to be able to understand it, you must explain the acronyms (words formed by acronyms or abbreviations) used in this section.

How many keywords to use in a dissertation abstract?

How many keywords should you use in the abstract of your dissertation?

In this case, the best thing to do is to consult the teaching guide of your university since, depending on your center, you will have to use one number or another, although, as a general rule, up to five keywords are usually used.

As for the order of these, it is best to write them in order of appearance.

Example of a dissertation summary or abstract

“This Final Degree Project shows a detailed analysis of all the fake news shared during the first 30 days of the confinement (from March 14 to April 13, 2022). For this purpose, the verification platform, in particular, of hoaxes, [name], has been consulted as a source, which disproves that disproves certain information shared in the field of Science and Public Health and its perception by the public.

Two research techniques have been used: a content analysis of the 74 fake news disseminated on [name] from March 14 to April 13, 2022, on science and health; and a questionnaire conducted to more than two hundred people where they are asked about the perception and behaviors in front of disinformation.

The main objective of this study is to establish a typology, categorization, and systematization of fake news referring specifically to health issues, as well as to find out how the public receives and perceives these hoaxes.

Similarly, a state of the question on disinformation in our country is made, focusing on fact-checking and the population’s confidence when verifying facts and events. The results show a discourse in fake news oriented to conspiracy theories without any scientific basis…”.

Perfect! We hope that with these steps, you already know how to summarize your dissertation, but if you need help, feel free to contact us, we will be happy to solve your doubts. Remember that you can ask us for a free quote!

Juan del Real Martín

Soy economista y experto en derecho del consumo y comercio electrónico. He vivido en muchos lugares y me gusta leer y montar en moto.

Después de trabajar durante ocho años en la Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios (OCU), asociación de consumidores más grande de España, decidí crear y financiar de mi bolsillo en 2009 para ayudar a las personas a no ser engañadas por las empresas.

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